Naked buckwheat and a honey bee
The naked buckwheat Eriogonum nudum has tall, bare, leafless stems, topped with rounded clusters of white and pale pink flowers. The...

Bees love the California Delta Sunflower
We planted California Delta Sunflowers again this year, but for some reason they aren't thriving as well as the ones we planted last...

California natives still blooming
This lovely plant, Woolly Blue Curls Trichostema lanatum was planted a month ago as a seedling in our mostly native garden area. It is...

The mostly native garden in August
As we all know, gardens don't necessarily look their best in the month of August, when most plants are no longer producing blossoms, and...

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee in the Native Patch
Oh how busy these yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii are in the garden. And also very determined. The one in the image above is...

Pollinators and Flowers
So we started to create this garden one and a half years ago. And the pollinators come. Above is an umber skipper Poanes melane on a...

Gilia Capitata "Blue Thimble Flower"
The Gilia Capitata “Blue Thimble Flower”, a California native, reseeded itself so well from last year, that it creates a nice patch of...

Yellow Faced Bumble Bee approaching Bee Plant
Oh, we have so many yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii constantly visiting the garden, both around the California native patch...

Time to raise the monarch caterpillars
Good grief! It's already time to raise the monarch caterpillars. I posted pictures last week of a couple of tiny monarch caterpillars I...

Lovely buckwheat
It's that time of year when the buckwheat plants start to bloom again, just when the late Spring plants lose their blossoms. And look how...