Our native garden now
Our native, or mostly native, garden now is looking just as it should. This is quite different from our garden at our previous residence,...

Ladybug party
And those ladybugs are multiplying on one of the Yellow Coastal Bush Lupines! Originally I observed some ladybugs eating green aphids on...

The monarchs are here!
I can't believe it, we already have some monarch caterpillars on a couple of our Narrow Leaf Milkweed Asclepias fascicularis plants. A...

Here comes the honey bee, straight for a Blue Thimble flower globe
It so much fun to observe bees and butterflies visiting native plants in our garden. Here is a honey bee heading straight for a Blue...

Rolling in the pollen
The California alba poppies are getting their second round of leaves and blossoms of the season. And look who is literally rolling in the...

Wow! Very hard-working Ladybugs in the garden
Look what I discovered on the same Lupinus arboreus "Yellow Coastal Bush Lupine" where I discovered ladybugs hard at work eating aphids...

Hairstreak Butterfly on the Ribes
How delightful to spot in our native plant garden my first hairstreak butterfly Satyrium californica of the year. I was quietly sitting...

Yellow Faced Bumble Bee visiting Margarita Bop Blossoms
The yellow faced bumble bee bombus vosnesenskii spent time with the Margarita Bop penstemon blossoms. This native plant is only one of...

Native plants blooming now in our garden
Such a wonderful time of year with plants blooming all over! We have several of these Sisyrinchium bellum ‘North Coast’“Blue-Eyed-Grass”...

Ladybug to the rescue
I noticed this seven dot ladybug on a leaf of one of the Lupinus arboreus "Yellow Coastal Bush Lupine" shrubs. Looking closer I realized...