What's not to love about the Bird's-Eye Gilia?
The lovely Bird's-Eye or Tricolor Gilia is a lovely California native. It is an annual and heavy nectar producer. Last year I purchased...

Cabbage moth and the Gilia blossoms
I spotted this cabbage moth enjoying the nectar of the gilia blossoms in our native plant garden. Yes, I know that the larva of these...

Ladybird larva!
While checking out the native garden today I saw these two strange critters on a dried up California Delta sunflower. It turns out we are...

It's Spring, it's Spring, and everything is popping up
You just never know which of the plants that went dormant starting in the Fall are going to actually grow again. And I am pleasantly...

A Mining Bee and the Tricolored Gilia
The Tricolored or Bird's- Eye Gilia blossoms are attracting all kinds of bees, and it is such a treat to observe the bees as they collect...

Well, hello there umber skipper!
I just love the umber skippers Poanes melane. They appear in the garden in March and are around until late October. The image above I...

More honey bee activity in the native garden
The Spring weather is producing more food sources for the pollinators. And I never tire of observing bee behavior. Above is a honey bee...

Spring showers bring the flowers
Plants are responding well to all of the Spring rain, producing the beautiful colorful blooms of the season. Above is an image of the...

Flower flies love poppies too
Moments before I took this photo, this flower fly tried to chase away a yellow-faced bumble bee from the California alba poppy. But the...

Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees in the White California Poppies
The lovely White California Poppies "Alba" that I planted last year are lush again after winter and spring rains. They are such lovely...