Yellow Faced Bumble Bee in the Poppy Patch
The California poppies are blooming in full force now and the bees are having a great time in the poppy patches. In the image above see...

Meanwhile on the patio...
One of the plant beds, which is in bright shade, is slowly transforming into a lovely lush area, with mostly native plants. This photo...

Bumble Bees in the Native Garden
As the plants blossom, and the temperature warms up, out come the bees. There is so much bee activity in the native garden these days,...

New plants
I just can't help myself when it comes to plants. Somehow I feel you just can't have enough of them. A few weekends ago we went back to...

Springtime, time for renewal
Well, just when I was giving up on the Ribes sanguineum v. sanguineum 'King Edward VII' red flowering currant, look at it now! We planted...

First Orange California Poppy of the Year!
Here is our first Orange California Poppy Eschscholzia californica of the year blooming in our native plant garden. It is a result of...

Native blooms
The front garden with mostly native plants currently has a lot of yellow blooms, which is always a cheerful sight. Above are blossoms...

What's blooming now
It's so wonderful to see plants in the garden thriving, especially after some winter rain. Some plants are blooming for the first time...

New growth on the "Wooly Angelica"
We purchased two "Wooly Angelica" Angelica tomentosa seedlings last October and transplanted them in one of the flower beds on the...

Hummingbird Salvia blossoms
Oh, look at this spike of blooming hummingbird sage Salvia spathacea . This plant is growing in a large pot in on the patio. Native to...