California Delta Sunflowers blooming
I bought three California Delta Sunflower Helianthus annuus seedlings in October thinking they would be dormant until the summer months....

Tidy Tips and the Flower Fly
We bought four Tidy Tips Layia platyglossa seedlings in October. Tidy Tips are native California plants, considered inconsistent or...

Ray Hartman Ceanothus shrub is blooming
The Ray Hartman Ceanothus shrub is starting to bloom! This is so exciting for me because we just planted it as a four inch seedling...

Seeds for the birds
The birds are enjoying the dried seeds on plants in the front yard. After it bloomed and then dried up, I left the Amaranthus "Hot...

Buckwheat still blooming
The buckwheat plants are still blooming in these cooler temperatures. The Eriogonum nudum nude buckwheat looks especially lovely with its...

Tidy Tips are already blooming
The Tidy Tips Layia Platyglossa seedlings that I planted several weeks ago are growing fast and already blooming! I decided to be...

The front yard after some rain showers
My, how different the front yard looks, compared to a year ago! The yard originally was a lawn bordered by the neighbor's shrubs. As you...

Winter rains are here!
I'm so glad that the winter rains are here. You just never know these days with the change in climate pattern. The plants look refreshed...

Bright spots of color on the patio
Here is the first blossom on our Chim Chimenee Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta plant. It's so bright and is quite a large blossom, more...

Gulf Fritillary
The Gulf Fritillaries Agraulis vanillae are always such a lovely sight. Here one of them is checking out some dandelions growing under...