Out of the pots and into the mud
With all of this rain, especially steady soft rain, it's a great time to transplant from pots to the ground. There is no danger of frost,...

between the rainstorms
On Sunday, before it started to rain again, I observed this honey bee enjoying the nectar of borage blossoms. It flew from blossom ... to...

rain storms and the garden
Yesterday afternoon, in the midst of the rainstorm, I decided to check out the garden. Just outside of our back door we have a clematis...

Honey bee pollinating Sunshine blueberry blossoms
Honey bee approaching a blueberry blossom How wonderful to see a honey bee visiting the Sunshine blueberry bush. This means we'll have...

Splish splash, two bushtits in the bath
What a delight it was to observe not one, but two brown-eyed bushtits in the birdbath. Although we have seen groups of bushtits hopping...

Male carpenter bee and the Mexican salvia
The carpenter bees have been back in the garden for a couple of weeks now. I've only noticed male carpenter bees, who seem to be...

Chubby squirrel relaxing on a plum tree branch
The squirrels that frequent the garden are chubby. There is always food for them - pears, apples and plums from the neighbors' trees, as...

Bees on the Damsom plum blossoms
The Damsom plum tree by the driveway is in bloom. And the air is fragrant with the scent of plum blossoms. Both honey bees and leaf...

Honey bee moving pollen to its baskets
On Sunday, while standing in the garden, I noticed a honey bee land on a leaf of the tree lavaterra. I noticed that it had some pollen on...

sunshine and blooms for the bees
honey bee on lavender blossom The lavender hedge looks best at this time of year. With winter rains and cooler weather the hedge always...