Here's to a brighter, better new year!
Happy New Year from a honeybee in the rosemary hedge today

Happy Holidays!
Anna's Hummingbird in the rain

Backyard visits
At least one goldfinch has been visiting the backyard and other parts of the garden for the past month. I finally got an image of it as...

The ever vigilant hummingbird
The Anna's hummingbirds that visit the garden are very territorial about the nectar we cook for them, especially when the nectar is...

Honey bee in the rosemary hedge
Most bees seem to be hibernating, but as long as there is food for them, some bees are still out and about. Because the rosemary hedges...

Hermit thrush visitor
Well, look who's drinking from the birdbath! I last saw a Hermit thrush in the backyard about a year ago, but I had no idea what kind of...

Birds in the backyard
Female house finch on a cape honeysuckle branch This time of year, birds are blending in more with the plant foliage colors. Most of the...

White crowned sparrow in the bath
....is anyone watching?............ I know, I'm posting a lot about birds in the birdbath. It's just so much fun to watch them take such...

Bath time for the house finches
Female house finches taking turns at the birdbath I can't help posting images of birds in the backyard birdbath. They seem to have such a...

Chickadee acrobatics
Chickadee preparing for lift off from the obelisk rung Today we observed for the first time a chestnut back chickadee feeding on the buds...