The California hair streak butterfly
Hair streak butterfly in the lavatera I recently learned that the hair streak butterfly population is in decline due to vanishing...

Honey bees in the backyard
As some nectar and pollen sources are drying up the bees still will find food sources. In the image above a honey bee is feeding on the...

More from the Berkeley Botanical Garden
And here's a very familiar butterfly - the umber skipper poanes melane . These butterflies habitat consists of desert foothills,...

At the Berkeley Botanical Garden
It's been a while since we visited the Berkeley Botanical Garden in Tilden Park, so it was exciting to see some pollinators that don't...

September food for bees
California carpenter bee female xylocopa californica on Sapphire salvia. It's taking extra vigilance in this heat to keep the bee food...

Life in the fig tree
Gulf fritillary butterfly on ripening Mission fig Now that the Mission figs are starting to ripen, there is all kind of activity going on...

September garden visitors
Here's another umber skipper, this time on a cluster of Lycnos campion rose. These butterflies are so funny, because they seem curious...

Honey bees in the sun
It does take more effort to keep plants fresh and alive in this August heat. We're being vigilant with saving grey water for this...

Find the hummer in the picture
Anna's hummingbird on a flowering potato vine branch See how the Anna's hummingbird is blending right in with the vegetation of flowering...

Lovely little umber skipper
Umber skippers are very small butterflies, that could almost be mistaken for moths. They visit our garden very often, usually in pairs....