More butterfly food!
Dahlia surprise Sometimes you just get some delightful surprises in your garden. This bright orange blossom is growing from a dahlia...

Keep those nectar feeders clean and full
During the dry and warm summer months hummingbirds will frequent your nectar feeders more often. Now that a lot of those lovely spring...

Little wonders
Sapphire salvia resurrecting A little tragedy happened in the backyard - the mammoth sunflower has been destroyed! At some time the other...

The Mammoth sunflower and bees
As I mentioned in an earlier post, this summer we have a Mammoth sunflower growing in a large container pot in our backyard. Apparently...

Feeding the pollinators
This Giant Zinnia plant has been growing in a large container pot for at least 4 years! Interesting enough, now that I haven't watered it...

Busy bees
Here's another honey bee in the lobelia planter. I wonder if this is the same bee that was covered with white pollen the other day. To be...

Honey bee and white pollen
Honey bee in Prom Dress cosmos The honey bee here landed on the cosmos flower and fed on the nectar for a long time. What is particularly...

Happy Summer Solstice!
Honey bee flying in the lavatera shrub

Mid-flight to food
Yesterday I took this image of a cabbage moth flying to a patch of lobelia. These are some of the same lobelia plants I dug out of the...

Socializing in the backyard
Mourning doves cooling off on a birdbath A few days ago I observed these two mourning doves through the kitchen window. Their home base...