Honey bee in a nasturtium flower
Nasturtiums are a popular nectar and pollen source for the honey bees. Although I don't remember ever planting nasturtiums in the garden,...

Birds in the garden
Chestnut back chickadee fledgling The garden is full of bird activity and song every day from morning through twilight. Here are some...

Sunflowers, summer treats for the bees
Delta Sunflower helianthus annuus Every year I buy a couple of sunflower seedlings from Annies Annuals as a treat for the bees. I have...

Bees on the Dwarf Indigo Spire
carpenter bee and honey bee on Dwarf Indigo Spire All day long this plant attracts and feeds the bees. It's truly an example of "if you...

Lemon Tree White Fly blight under control!
Honey bee on Lisbon lemon blossoms As you may remember from one of my early April posts, we discovered that the beloved lemon tree was...

Bushtit family on an outing
Baby bushtit (left) and its parent Yesterday as I stopped to look out our front door I saw three bushtits hopping around in the lemon...

Lamb's ear and catnip to feed your pollinators
lamb's ear stachys byzantina with flowers Lamb's ear is a nonnative perennial, native to Iran, Turkey and Armenia. It has thick, soft...

Honey bee and a borage plant
Honey bee approaching a borage flower I always look forward to seeing fuzzy borage plants, also known as starflower plants, appear in the...

Evening bird activity in the garden
Since this was a warm evening I tried to capture some images of bird activity in the garden. We always hear so many birds singing,...

New plants for the pollinators in the garden
Dwarf Blue Indigo Salvia, behind on the left is a small chive plant, to the right a sage plant with edible leaves used in cooking and...