Autumnal platter
You can always tell when winter is approaching here by the ripening fruit. On the platter above are Meyer lemons, which grow all year...

Monarchs are flying south, getting ready for next year's caterpillars
All fifteen monarch butterflies have now been released, and hopefully flying south. Number fifteen, another female, emerged Sunday...

Black Jack Figs are ripening
We bought a Black Jack Fig seedling in the Spring of this year. It looked like a stick, about 30 inches high. We transplanted it to a ten...

Bright spots of color on the patio
Here is the first blossom on our Chim Chimenee Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta plant. It's so bright and is quite a large blossom, more...

Late autumn moments
Well, it's already the first of November, the temperatures are cooler, and rain is in the forecast for this weekend. After experiencing...

Gulf Fritillary
The Gulf Fritillaries Agraulis vanillae are always such a lovely sight. Here one of them is checking out some dandelions growing under...

Monarch male released yesterday
Look at this handsome monarch! We released him yesterday early afternoon, since he emerged from his chrysalis in the morning. He flew to...

Monarch Madness
This week we have released nine monarch butterflies, so far. On Monday we released a male. He was a little hesitant at first to leave the...

Bee plant, hummingbird sage, and more...
It's such a rewarding feeling when what you plant actually survives and thrives. For example, in the photo above you see a Bee Plant...

Apricot cosmos blooming on the patio
The Cosmos bipinnatus "Apricot" plant is filled with tall stalks of flowers. I almost gave up seeing any blossoms on this plant. It was...