Cedar waxwings visiting again
Here are the cedar waxwings in the redwood tree again. I first hear their high pitched trills from a distance, as the whole flock was in...

Freesias after the Rain
After several days of rain, it's always a treat to see remaining water drops on plants. For example these freesia buds and blossom were...

American Robins and Cedar Waxwings
The American Robins have been in residence since early February in our neighbor's coastal redwood tree. We hear them chattering and...

Getting acquainted with a Golden Crowned Sparrow
This weekend I was re-potting some plants on the patio and heard a lot of rustling in the nearby shrubbery. I quickly ran in the house to...

Flowers after the rain
I am really enjoying this "Miracle March" which has been bringing us some much needed rain. Among some of the benefits are the bulb...

American Robins and the Ivy Berries
Since January the American Robins have been back in the neighborhood. Their chatter and chirps are very distinct. Before catching a...

First Orange California Poppy of the Year!
Here is our first Orange California Poppy Eschscholzia californica of the year blooming in our native plant garden. It is a result of...

Lovely, delicious beets
There are so many ways to prepare beets and this is the easiest: Rinse excess dirt off three or four beets. Place the whole beets in a...

Orchids getting ready to bloom
We only have a couple of plants indoors, a couple of phalaenopsis orchids and an aloe vera. It took me many years to realize how easy it...

Native blooms
The front garden with mostly native plants currently has a lot of yellow blooms, which is always a cheerful sight. Above are blossoms...