Lovely honey bees
Slowly but surely our Verbena lilacina "De La Mina", a California native, is growing and blooming. It is said to mainly attract...

Delta sunflower
Here is another first for me. A couple of months ago I planted this Delta Sunflower Helianthus annuus as a seedling, another purchase...

Oaklandia Passionflower is blooming
The Oaklandia Passionflower Passiflora parritae x tarminiana‘Oaklandia’ vine is now producing beautiful red blossoms about 3 inches...

Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly
This past Sunday I saw this lovely little butterfly lingering in our native plant garden area, my first sighting ever. It is a Western...

Honey Bees on the Fourth of July
I'm not the best person to mingle at gatherings, and my favorite place to be is outdoors in gardens. So this past Fourth of July I spent...

Thai Silk poppies
Aren't these poppies stunning? They are California Poppy 'Thai Silk Fire Bush' Eschscholzia californica . To the right directly behind...

blooming native
The Sonoma Coast yarrow achillea millefolium plants are blooming in the native garden. Look at all those creamy umbels that should keep...

Yellow-Faced Bumble bees LOVE poppies
As I've noted in earlier posts, I had never seen so many yellow-faced bumble bees Bombus vosnesenskii before we moved to our home here...

Mimulus cardinalis "Golden Form"
It's so exciting to see the "Golden Form" Mimulus cardinalis plant start to bloom. This is the first time I planted one of these. It's...

First blooms in the native garden
Aren't these California rose chiffon poppies lovely? I've never grown them before, and am so excited to see how this plant is thriving in...