native blooms in the front yard
Now our efforts to transform the front yard are starting to be rewarded. The coreopsis grandiflora "Sunburst" is blooming, and what a...

now blooming
Here is our first Navajo fleabane Erigeron divergens var. divergens blossom. This is no ordinary daisy, but a rare, very tough native of...

The living wall
We finally visited the renovated SFMOMA museum. It's been beautifully remodeled, and one of the new features is a living wall, 30 feet in...

rain = water = life
If you've been following this blog, you know that I am fascinated by raindrops. Like snowflakes, I don't think any two are the same. This...

Ooh, look at these blooms
We're already starting to see some of the new plants in the front yard producing blossoms. It's so exciting because I've never seen of...

Baby blue eyes
Baby blue eyes, nemophila menziesii are such wonderful plants. Just plant them in some decent potting soil and watch them grow and bloom....

Bees out and about
Last weekend we had some warm weather and I observed some bees around and in the garden. Some were too far away to photograph, high up on...

Progress in the front yard
The front yard is slowly but surely changing. Come rain, shine, hailstorms, cold, wet, hot, dry weather, I am out there every weekend...

What a wonderful book
I checked this book out from the library yesterday. If you have a large property with land that could be changed to a meadow, this book...

Meanwhile in a planter on the patio...
Finally transplanted one of the Hot Lips salvia in one of the planters. It is the larger plant with a lot of leaves, supported by arched...