The native plant garden now
Every morning before before getting ready to leave for work and every evening when I return home, I always check our native plant garden...

Yellow-faced Bumble Bee in the Margarita Bop
It seems like whenever I am in our newly created native plant garden area, I always see Yellow-Faced Bumble Bees Bombus vosnesenskii ....

Honey bee and the borage plant
I have always wondered how often plants produce nectar, especially plants that are constantly visited by bees. Take borage plants for...

My favorite place to buy California native plants
This three-day weekend was quite a gardening extravaganza. I planned to buy a "couple" of seedlings from Annies Annuals...

Honey Bee on a Gilia Tricolor "Bird's Eyes" bud
The bees are discovering the Gilia Tricolor "Bird's Eyes" blossoms with their distinctive blue pollen. But I have yet to see any of the...

Blooming in the California native garden
And here we go! That time of year when more and more plants start to bloom. These are Hidcote Pink Penstemon (Beard Tongue) blossoms. The...

front lawn to native plant garden
And now an update on the progress of the front lawn transformation. The soil is slowly turning to large chunks of hard clay, and the lawn...

An Ivory Banded Digger Bee and the Indigo Spires Salvia plant
Here is another prime example of "if you plant it they will come". Now that the Indigo Spires Salvia plant that I transplanted into the...

Anna's hummingbird and the Indigo Spires salvia
The transplanted salvia plants are doing well in the front yard, and now starting to bloom. What a treat to be standing in the yard and...

Sleeping on the Navajo fleabane
Well look who we discovered sleeping on a Navajo fleabane flower - a Yellow-Faced Bumble Bee Bombus vosnesenskii This was taken in the...