The umber skippers
Now how can I not post more images of the lovely umber skippers... The umber skipper above is perched on a magenta coreopsis flower....

The sparrows are back
The sparrows are back again in the garden and surrounding neighbors' yards. They seem to arrive early fall and stay throughout the...

Leaf cutter bee in the rosemary hedge
Looking for the praying mantis this weekend, I observed this leaf cutter bee flying around the rosemary hedge, sipping on the nectar of...

A Bewick's wren
We hear the Bewick's wrens singing in the trees throughout the day, but they seem to only occasionally visit the backyard. It was a nice...

ooh, a praying mantis in the rosemary hedge!
I've seen walking sticks and grasshoppers in the garden, but never a praying mantis. But this past weekend, while photographing bees, I...

Hello big bumble bee
I haven't seen any bumble bees in the garden since Spring. You can imagine how surprised I was this afternoon to see this large yellow...

The Gulf Fritillary
The butterfly bush is attracting some very lovely visitors. A gulf fritillary butterfly Agraulis vanillae spent a long time sipping...

monarch butterfly visiting
This weekend we were fortunate to have monarch butterfly visits. It's so nice to see these lovely creatures wafting in the breeze in the...

Indigo spires salvia and butterfly bush flowers
The indigo spires salvia plant has taken a while to produce its lovely deep blue blossoms. And here are the blooms on one spire, ready...

The second bloom season for the rosemary hedges
At this time of year, when most of the plants in the garden are starting to go dormant, it's so wonderful to see the rosemary hedges...